The following topics will be addressed in MinProXT 2024
Advances and recent development in the methods of prospectivity mapping and geoscientific data analyses, and the associated uncertainties, limitations, and challenges.
Real-world utilization of the prospectivity maps in varied fields such as land-use assignments, infrastructure planning and others in addition to mineral deposit exploration.
Call for Lightning Talks
MinProXT 2024 now welcomes submission of extended abstracts for consideration to be presented as lightning talks. The extended abstract submission is open until 31st July 2024. Because of the compact schedule of the webinar, we will not be able to accept all the submitted extended abstracts.
Guidelines for abstract submissions are as follows:
- Download the MS Word Template and adhere to the formatting prescribed in the template.
- The extended abstract should be three-to-four A4 pages in length and must contain 1–2 figures illustrating the research.
- Figures should be submitted as separate high resolution (300 dpi) images in pdf, jpg, png format.
- Please do not add tables in the extended abstract file.
- Please submit the extended abstracts in MS Word format.
- Email the extended abstract to:
- The subject of the email should be: ‘MinProXT 2024 Extended Abstract Submission – Title of the Abstract’
- We also request the authors to provide the following information in the email text:
- Name and primary affiliation of the corresponding author
- Name and primary affiliation of the presenting author (if not the same as the corresponding author)
- Theme of the abstract: Theme 1/Theme 2
- Webinar preference – willing to present in:
- Part 1 – Eastern Hemisphere Webinar: Yes/No
- Part 2 – Western Hemisphere Webinar: Yes/No
- Submission of the abstract does not guarantee acceptance. All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed and authors of the accepted abstracts will be notified by 20th August 2024. The list of the accepted abstracts will be displayed on this website.
- Due to the large volume of expected abstract submissions, we will not be able to notify all authors whether their abstracts are not accepted. Because of this, please visit our website after 20th August 2024 to check the list of accepted abstracts.
Call for Abstracts
MinProXT 2022 welcomes submission of extended abstracts for consideration to be presented as oral presentation. The extended abstract submission is now open until end of August 2022. Because of the compact schedule of the webinar, we will not be able to accept all the submitted extended abstracts.
Guidelines for abstract submissions are as follows:
- Extended abstract should be no more than two pages in length and must contain 1–2 figures illustrating the research.
- Use font size 11 with font type Arial, with single line spacing.
- Do not add tables in the extended abstract file.
- Save and submit the extended abstracts as a DOCX file of size no more than 5 MB.
- Email the DOCX file of the extended abstract to:
- Subject of the email should be: ‘Extended Abstract Submission’
- We also request the authors to provide the following information in the email text:
- Name and primary affiliation of the corresponding author
- Name and primary affiliation of the presenting author (if not the same as the corresponding author)
- Theme of the abstract: Theme 1/ Theme 2
- Webinar preference – willing to present in: